The purpose of the Foundation is to support the dissemination of marine technical knowledge, including providing support to individuals who wants to educate themselves in the marine engineering field of study and scientific research or other developments in the marine engineering.
Moreover, the Foundation aims to provide support for social purposes and other purposes related to shipbuilding and shipping. In accordance with its charter, support can be sought within the Foundation's sphere of activity.
In 1994 the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering founded the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Foundation. The Foundation has the same overall purpose as the Society and supports the spread of marine technical knowledge. Among other the Foundation supports the education of individuals within marine engineering as well as scientific research and development projects within marine engineering. See the Foundation’s articles of associastion.
Below are examples of distributions from the Foundation showing the wide range of the Foundation’s work:
The Honorary Award of the Foundation is given to students from Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby Campus, The University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Svendborg International Maritime Academy SIMAC, Fredericia School of Marine and Technical Engineering, MARTEC, The Copenhagen School of Marine Engineering and Technology Management, Aarhus School of Marine and Technical Engineering, and Aalborg University who are particularly deserving.
Study trips or stays for especially engineering students associated with the maritime sector.
Travel and living expenses for speakers in connection with presentations of a preferably maritime technical nature on international conferences and the like.
Various events held by the Student Association, Nul-Kryds, at the Technical University of Denmark
Various current ship related projects
It is at any time the board of the Foundation, who decides who they desire to support.
Good fund management.
At the Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Foundation we care about good Management. As a part of the Management Report in the Foundations's Annual Report, we have prepared a report, that can be accessed through the link below.
2023: Skema til ”Lovpligtig redegørelse for god fondsledelse, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 77 a” (in Danish only)
2022: Skema til ”Lovpligtig redegørelse for god fondsledelse, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 77 a” (in Danish only)
2021: Skema til ”Lovpligtig redegørelse for god fondsledelse, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 77 a” (in Danish only)
2020: Skema til ”Lovpligtig redegørelse for god fondsledelse, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 77 a” (in Danish only)
2019: Skema til ”Lovpligtig redegørelse for god fondsledelse, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 77 a” (in Danish only)
2018: Skema til ”Lovpligtig redegørelse for god fondsledelse, jf. årsregnskabslovens § 77 a” (in Danish only)
Articles of association.
Read our articles of assosication here (in Danish): DSNAME articles of assosication.