Danish Society for Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Ready for our Spring 2025 events?
Combatting the challenges of decarbonisation and digitalisation requires maritime innovation.
We support the spread of maritime technical knowledge and support the education of individuals as well as scientific research and development projects within and naval arcitechture marine engineering.
DSNAME is supported by 70+ leading industry partners
Leading industry partners recognises our role in supporting knwoledge sharing, educatio and research in the maritime industry.
Main Contributors
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Join one of our 12 yearly events for free. You can join physical - or online to get the latest insigths in maritime technology: ship design, engineering, decarbonisation, digitalisation and much more.

DSNAME has ensured maritime technology insights and knowledge sharing since 1969
Let’s meet up in real life - get invited to our 12 yearly events - for free.
You can off course also join in from the comfort of your own home - as all events are made avaialbel online.
Sign up and get invited.